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Norras makstud tulumaksu tagasisaamiseks Teil tuleb registreerida oma eesti pangakonto norra Maksuametis, täites alljärgnevaid tingimusi:

In order to register your account number we need the following information:

  • A copy of your ID, preferrably a passport, or another internationally approved ID card with a picture and signature.
  • Something confirming that the account is yours (a bank statement, picture from your online bank showing your banks logo, your name and account number in the same picture, or a copy of a VISA card with picture of you and the account number on).
  • You need to fill in a form from the website Search for account number - choose no. 2 "Tax settlement notice - tax refund". Open the attachment "Bank Account Details" (PDF). Fill in the whole form (contact your bank for Iban and Swift/BIC if it is not a norwegian account) and remember to SIGN IT.

    All the information mentioned above can be sent to our email address or by post to Skatt vest, Skatteoppkrever utland, Post box 8103, 4068 Stavanger, Norway.

If any of the above mentioned information is not submitted we will not be able to register the account number in our systems.

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